501 Pine Tree Rd, Longview, TX 75604 | (903) 291-1155
Supportive Services for Veterans
and Their Families
The East Texas Veterans Resource Center serves veterans, dependents and surviving spouses who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in fourteen rural East Texas counties. Homelessness typically is the result of a many factors that over time erodes the veteran’s ability to maintain a residence in the community. ETVRC makes available resources the veterans/families can use to rapidly obtain housing (if homeless) and stabilize housing (if at risk). ETVRC offers services/supports which are available for veterans/families but more importantly we facilitate a support network throughout the community to ensure that multiple risk factors are addressed.
ETVRC provides Homeless/Housing Assistance through:
Outreach to homeless and at risk homeless veterans/families (including remote, rural areas) to engage them in services.
Develop a client centered comprehensive housing stabilization plan that focuses on the client’s strengths and develops clear obtainable objectives to gaining and or maintaining stable housing.
Case management for all eligible participants that would provide housing counseling , life skills training and assistance with accessing main stream community resources and other permanent housing subsidies and supports.
Financial Assistance for eligible participants for rent, deposits, utilities and other cost that may relate to housing stabilization.
Veteran and family peer support to strengthen resiliency which is essential for long term housing stability.
Who do we serve:
Veterans, their dependents and/or surviving spouses. Who are Homeless or At Risk of Homelessness and reside or present within the thirteen East Texas county service areas.